


here are the rest of the logos that I created. I don't really like them much other than first one of three, but I tried my best..............



This is my second logo I made it. Since I like phenix and I always wanted to put tattoo on my back, I descided to make it a logo. First, I had more complicated phenix that I drew couple month ago, but I remember that logo have to be simple and effective, so I kind of simplify a bit, and put my initial on the left wing. Try to make it more effective by putting black color on initial. I really like the idea and how it came out.


Here is the first Logo I created. This is very unique family crest that my family own for centuries. This crest represent "Ota" family, and I really wanted to recreate it. Women in the family only has inside cercular flower, and men in the family especialy for the oldest son like myself get out side frame also. There are many other family who has similar crest, however, outside frame makes very unique and special.
Hours taken: 2hours.... tough....I almost went insane, but I am happy for the result.




digital painting with PS

I put some more hours since the last one. I think I am pretty done with the body. My final should be with tattoo on her side of the body, but I posted cuz I don't know when I ganna finish up with this one.
Hours Spend: 5-6hours
Used: photoshop cs3

Poster assignment

This is the first try for this assignment. I kinda like the idea, but because of the mask I try to create... looks very cheezy, but I hope it gives you idea what I was trying to say.
This is the last one of all. I kind like this simple poster more than I did with the bottom one. I change the colors on my hair and face a bit, for more comic type effect.

This was the second attempt. I was messing around with illustrator and when I realize.... I was making poster for kids. I didn't like it much so I just made it simple for the one in top.


assignment 6_8_6

GIF 8 col Dith 0
GIF 16 Dith 100
GIF 256 col Dith 100

assignment 6_8_5

JPG 0%
JPG 25%
JPG 75%
JPG 100%

assignment 6_8_4

GIF 2 col Dith 0
GIF 2 col Dith 100
GIF 4 col tans black
GIF 256 col dith 100

assignment 6_8_3

JPG 0%
JPG 25%
JPG 75%
JPG 100%

assignment 6_8_2

GIF 256 colors 100 Dith
GIF 2 colors dith 100
GIF 2 colors Dith 100 trans silver
GIF 2 colors Dith 100 trans gray

assignment 6_8_1

JPG 0%

JPG 25%

JPG 75%

JPG 100%